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Are You Protected When You Use Uber in Phoenix?

Rideshare programs are cropping up in nearly every major city in the country, and even many minor cities are seeing an influx in these transit options. Most work on a similar concept – an individual who wishes to get from Point A to Point B by vehicle can contact a rideshare entity, request a ride, and be met with a vehicle to transport them within a short period of time. Most companies that provide rideshares are appealing to today’s tech-savvy commuter by creating responsive apps, text-capable requests, and email options to obtain a ride anywhere that they service.

Rideshares have become a popular alternative to taxis because they often face less stringent legal requirements to operate than taxi cabs, a fact that may let rideshares charge cheaper fares to their customers than taxis. But potential clients should understand that the reduced regulation of these vehicles may mean that their safety is at risk if they end up the victims of a car accident.
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Teen Drivers: Why Everyone Should Be Concerned

Teenage drivers have long been linked with an increased risk of being involved in a car accident, and when a collision does take place, it is likely that those teens will be injured. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 292,000 teenagers between ages 16 and 19 were treated in emergency rooms for injuries stemming from collisions in 2011 alone. Further, approximately 2,650 teens in that age group lost their lives due to traffic accidents.

If you are the parent of a teenager, you may be aware of these facts already. If your teen is getting ready to drive, you may have even taken steps to ensure they receive a proper driver’s education, obtain the necessary behind-the-wheel experience, and you may have even set ground rules for your teens regarding their conduct in a vehicle. But if you are not a parent or do not have teenagers in your home, are teen car accidents something that you should worry about?
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Closed Head Injuries after a Phoenix Car Accident

Car accidents can have a wide range of results from mere inconveniences to the people involved to tragic, devastating injuries that may last a lifetime. It can become confusing when victims of car accidents are unsure whether they are hurt or whether they are just stunned from a crash as adrenaline and anxiety can mask the physical symptoms of injuries with ease, at least for a short time. For victims involved in car collisions, the injuries they sustain may not be clear from the outset of the crash and it may leave them wondering whether they are in need of help.

Some injuries are widely understood by victims and can be recognized as a medical issue by those without medical training. A good example of this type of injury is a fractured or broken bone which commonly occurs in a car accident. Often, a broken bone can be detected visually if it is either a displaced or open fracture, meaning that the bone no longer is in alignment or that it has broken through the skin. But other types of injuries cannot be detected by an average person without the assistance of medical testing, and one of the most prevalent of those injuries following a collision is a closed head injury.
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Phoenix Taxi Cab Accidents Pose Serious Threat of Injuries

How do you choose to get around the Valley? Do you hop in your car when you want to go to work or run errands? Maybe you utilize one of the many buses or even the light rail in Phoenix. Perhaps you prefer to walk or ride your bicycle – as long as the weather permits.

Some people who live in the Phoenix area like to travel by taxi cab and others find it convenient to use the services of a taxi on at least an occasional basis. Fortunately for those individuals, taxis are plentiful in the Valley of the Sun with numerous companies and associations servicing the area. And with the continual advancement of technology, now cabs can be hailed on a street corner, by calling the number of a cab company, through a text message, or even through an app in some instances, meaning that a taxi cab is only moments away.
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Passengers are at Risk for Injuries in Phoenix Car Accidents

What does a typical car accident in Phoenix look like? You may have a picture in your mind, but experts agree that it is difficult to express a “typical” collision because each crash is unique. From the number of vehicles involved to the factors that led to an impact, the facts surrounding each car accident vary enough that it can be challenging to lump them together for analysis.

But in the end, what matters most following a car crash is the safety of those who were involved. Drivers and passengers alike are prone to injuries in a collision but often, the safety of passengers is overlooked or not contemplated. The presence of passengers does not always get as much media attention as the presence of drivers in a car and therefore, less attention is paid to their health by the public at large.
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Road Rage is a Significant Issue in Phoenix

If you have spent any amount of time driving in the Phoenix area, it is likely that you have seen the congestion that plagues the city, especially during the weekday rush hours. Sometimes traffic can stop for no known reason and in other cases, it seems like traffic jams will never clear. The typical motorist in the Phoenix area admits that these situations can be frustrating from time to time and it can be difficult to cope with traffic problems and inconveniences.

But congestion is far from the only distressing situation that can occur on the roads. In addition, speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and cutting off other vehicles are just some of the reasons that surveyed motorists said they become frustrated with other drivers in Arizona and why those motorists may respond with their own aggressive driving.
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Seat Belts are the Most Important Safety Feature in Car Accidents

Every year, there is news about the latest and greatest safety features that are being implemented in new automobile designs and constructions. Features like side curtain air bags, automatic emergency braking, blind spot detection, and crumple zones are all helpful in preventing collisions or limiting injuries in the event that a crash happens, but these new features are not the most important one when it comes to keeping occupants safe.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seat belts are the most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries in car accidents in the country.
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Majority of American Drivers are Unaware of New Automobile Safety Technology

Technology permeates our daily lives from the minute we awake in the morning until the minute we go to bed at night. It is so pervasive that most people in Phoenix do not think about its presence, taking for granted the alarm clock attached to their smart phone, the high-definition, flat screen TV that provides their news, and the goods that get delivered straight to their door after being purchased online.

Automobiles have been in existence for well over 100 years and the majority of Phoenix residents today either own a car or have access to one. These vehicles have not escaped the rapid advances in technology that are more noted in other aspects of our lives and in fact, new safety features debut every year in cars that make it more likely for accident victims to escape a collision unharmed.
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What Happens if an At-Fault Driver Does Not Have Insurance?

In Arizona, the laws related to driving on public roads are clear: all motorists must carry automobile insurance that meets minimum standards. There are no exceptions for drivers who do not drive very far or very often. There are no exceptions for motorists who are “extra careful” behind the wheel. Everyone is legally required to have automobile insurance.

But despite these requirements, officials estimate that 12 percent of all drivers on Arizona roads are operating illegally because they have no insurance. They are not protected in the event they are involved in a collision nor are those in other vehicles who may be in the same crash. This means that if you are involved in a car accident, there is approximately a one-out-of-eight chance that the other driver is uninsured.
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Your Rights When a Mechanical Failure is to Blame for a Collision

The majority of collisions in the United States are caused by a human error on the part of one or more individuals involved. As a result, it is tempting for the public to blame every collision that takes place on the negligence of people, whether they are drivers, bicyclists, or even pedestrians, but the truth is that not every collision should be blamed like this. Rather, other factors can also lead to an impact that can cause anything from minor property damage to serious, lifelong injuries. In the worst instances, a crash is the cause of death for at least one person and will permanently alter the lives of all those who were involved.

One common cause of car accidents that tend to be overlooked is a mechanical failure of one of the vehicles that is involved in the collision. An average modern car has 50 to 100 tiny computers that control everything from steering to acceleration to brakes and with this technology comes the potential for technological failures. Even one incorrect line of code operating a critical feature of a car can lead to a collision that may injure those inside or those in another vehicle, often without any kind of warning.
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