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Suspected Intoxicated Driver Plows into Pedestrians in Phoenix Parking Lot

When a drunk driving accident takes place in Phoenix, the victims of that crash may be confused about what happens next and what options they possess for legal relief. In some cases, local or state police may arrive at the scene and assess the suspected intoxicated driver, potentially arresting that individual or otherwise issuing charges in the crash. In other cases, an impaired motorist may flee the scene before police have the opportunity to arrive and investigate. This can spurn a subsequent investigation into who the driver was, who owned the vehicle, and whether certain laws were violated prior to and during the crash.

If the police issue citations or criminally charge a suspected drunk driver, it is important for injury victims of that crash to understand that any penalties stemming from those charges are not designed to benefit the victim directly. Instead, fees, fines, and incarceration are possible punishments and are designed to benefit the State of Arizona and the community at large. If a victim wants to seek relief for his or her injuries, that victim may be entitled to do so but will have to take certain steps to initiate the process. Speaking with a personal injury attorney in Phoenix can help you understand whether you have a valid claim and, if so, whether you may be entitled to payment for your losses.

Police in Phoenix have confirmed a collision between a vehicle and a group of pedestrians that occurred on Wednesday morning and that left at least one person with significant injuries. According to reports, a 24-year-old male driver in a personal vehicle drove into a crowd of pedestrians in a bar parking lot, colliding with at least one individual and trapping that individual between the front of the vehicle and against a second car. The incident, which happened near Washington Street and 54th Street, caused police and emergency crews to respond to the scene and evaluate the pedestrian who was hurt but was expected to survive. That individual was taken to an area hospital with undisclosed injuries.

The driver of the car at issue remained at the scene and spoke with police. Reports indicate that the alleged assault may have started with a verbal altercation between the group of pedestrians and the driver though the exact exchange of words has not been confirmed. The 24-year-old driver was arrested and is facing charges including assault and suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.
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Pedestrian Killed in Phoenix Car Accident

When collisions are analyzed with statistics, it turns out that a driver of a vehicle is usually to blame when a pedestrian crash happens in the Phoenix area. Even where both the pedestrian and the driver may share some of the blame, the laws in Arizona may enable the pedestrian to obtain financial compensation for his or her damages. The walker must seek this relief after a crash and often can recover for things like medical and surgical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Victims may seek the help of a personal injury attorney to bring this claim or merely to learn about the relief that may be possible for them, including whether payment may be possible. In some cases, multiple claims can exist and compensation may be possible against an at-fault driver, the owner of a vehicle, a city or municipality, a corporation, or even the pedestrian’s own insurance company. As the facts surrounding a crash determine much of the legal fallout, it is a good idea to learn about your specific options if you have been injured.

Unfortunately, a pedestrian is at a marked disadvantage when an accident with a vehicle occurs because there is nothing surrounding that walker to protect him or her from the direct impact when it happens. Pedestrians are almost always injured in these accidents and in the worst cases, these victims may lose their lives. Police in Phoenix confirmed one such tragic crash on Saturday evening and have also confirmed that the pedestrian victim involved was killed due to an accident, a fact that is leaving the community of Phoenix in mourning.

Officials have stated that a pedestrian was crossing the road near the intersection of Seventh Avenue and Pima Street in a marked crosswalk when a pickup truck approached and collided with the walker. The victim, a 28-year-old man, initially survived the impact and was taken to an area hospital but his injuries were too extreme and he died shortly thereafter. Officials were able to speak with the driver of the pickup truck and they have reported that they do not suspect intoxication at this time; however, no explanation as to why the crash happened has been released and it is also not clear whether the driver will face any charges related to this incident.
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Un Choque De Vuelco en Phoenix Conduce a La Muerte de un Pedestre

¿Entiende los riesgos asociados con la conducción de un vehículo o viajar en un automóvil como pasajero? Las probabilidades son que mientras usted este consciente de la posibilidad de que un accidente de carro ocurre es posible que no se dé cuenta de qué tan probable es estar involucrado en un accidente, en lugar de creer que nunca le pasara. Cada año, millones de americanos tienen la misma creencia, pero sus pensamientos se desvanecen cuando se convierten en víctimas de una colisión o cuando sus seres queridos están lesionados o heridos en un accidente. Solo Arizona ve más de 100,000 accidentes de tráfico en un año típico y un gran número de esos incidentes se concentran en el condado de Maricopa, casa para Phoenix y sus ciudades circundantes incluyendo Scottsdale, Tempe, Glendale, Mesa y Chandler.

Mucho menos apreciado que el riesgo de ser herido en un accidente de carro es el riesgo que enfrentan a diario los peatones que optan por caminar a lo largo de o cerca de una carretera, calle o intersección en el área de Phoenix. Aunque las leyes del estado pueden requerir motoristas a ceder el derecho de paso a estos caminantes, muchos no obedecen estas leyes y en vez se ponen ellos mismos y a los peatones en riesgo de una colisión. Cuando ocurre un impacto entre un carro y una persona, el peatón casi siempre se lesiona debido a la dinámica pura que pasa en el impacto: el tamaño grande y pesa de un carro, el pequeño, naturaleza de un peatón sin protección, y la velocidad involucrada siendo sólo una muestra de estos factores.

Una colisión que deja a una víctima herida siempre será devastador y a menudo creará confusión sobre qué derechos legales pueden existir y si la víctima puede ser capaz de obtener un arreglo financiero para compensarla por sus pérdidas. Si tiene preguntas después de un accidente, hablando con un abogado de lesiones personales en el área de Phoenix puede ayudarla a entender si su accidente es compensable, y si es así, quien puede ser responsable por su sufrimiento financiero.

Un accidente en Phoenix el lunes comenzó con un solo vehículo, pero terminó con un peatón perdiendo la vida, según la policía local. El incidente ocurrió cerca de Thomas Road y 47th Avenue y comenzó cuando un conductor de un vehículo perdido el control del carro que rodó antes de que golpeara a un peatón que estaba cerca. El vehículo luego continuó hasta que chocó con un poste de electricidad que lleva la energía a los residentes del área antes de llegar a un descanso.

Los testigos informaron que el conductor del vehículo y un pasajero en el carro huyeron de la escena a pie, pero que los individuos fueron detenidos después de un breve periodo de tiempo. Aún no está claro que fue lo que condujo a la volcadura pero las autoridades han confirmado que su investigación está en curso y que están mirando todas las posibilidades, incluyendo si el conductor puede haber estado debilitado.
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Pedestrian Killed in San Tan Valley Crash

Many school districts across the Phoenix area are on spring break right now, meaning thousands of children are at home or spending time with friends instead of attending school. Many parents choose to take this time of year off from work as vacation so they can care for their children or so they can take a vacation with their families without their kids missing class and this in turn leads to a large number of adults and children around the Valley of the Sun during daytime hours. Stores may be busier than normal, parks may be overflowing with children, and restaurants are sure to be hopping across Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale, Tempe, and Chandler.

If you are like the hundreds of thousands of families experiencing spring break right now, you may not realize it but chances are that you will be walking more than average over this coming week. Whether you are in a parking lot, walking to catch a bus, or playing at a playground, you may cover a greater distance on foot than you do in a typical workday. With this increased foot traffic unfortunately comes and increased risk of a pedestrian accident occurring and many of these will result in injuries or even death to the victims involved. The legal fallout stemming from a pedestrian crash can be confusing and should not be the primary concern of a victim who should only have to worry about recovering physically; yet too often, the victim is forced to make decisions quickly after a crash that will affect her rights for years to come. If a collision has left you injured or has harmed one of your family members, speaking with a personal injury lawyer in Phoenix may help you understand your options and may enable you to get the relief you need and deserve.

On Thursday morning, police in the San Tan Valley were informed of a collision between a pedestrian and a car on Hunt Highway near a Walmart in the area, a location that has seen collisions in the past between vehicles and walkers and that is known for having a large pedestrian presence. The incident happened just prior to 6:00 a.m. and triggered an emergency response that included medical personnel who evaluated the victim, identified only as a male, and transported him to an area hospital. Though efforts were made to save the man, the extent of his injuries was too severe and he died as a result of the crash.

Police closed the road for a period of time following the crash as they began their investigation into the incident which is ongoing at this time.
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Accidente Automovilístico en Phoenix Lesiona a una Madre y niño

Los estudios nacionales indican que el americano típico estará involucrado en 3-4 accidentes automovilísticos en su vida. Esos números son generalizaciones pero destacan la amenaza que enfrentan a diario cuando elegimos conducir o viajar como pasajero en un automóvil. Por supuesto, algunas personas tendrán suerte y podrán experimentar menos, si los hay, choques durante su vida pero por cada una de esas personas, hay otra persona en el extremo opuesto del espectro que puede ser víctima en más de 3-4 choques. El resultado del impacto de estos accidentes pueden ser menores o pueden ser graves; en los casos más extremos, las personas perderán la vida en un accidente de carro en Phoenix o pueden quedarse sufriendo lesiones debilitantes permanentes. Cuando eso sucede, las víctimas pueden preguntarse a dónde acudir en busca de ayuda.

Las leyes en Arizona y las que se aplican en el Valle del Sol permiten que las víctimas busquen alivio a través del uso de una demanda civil por daños y perjuicios. Este tipo de caso puede ayudar a una víctima y la familia de la víctima a recuperar de las pérdidas incluyendo gastos médicos, gastos quirúrgicos, salarios perdidos y el dolor y el sufrimiento. Cuando en duda, hablando con un abogado de lesiones personales puede ayudar a iluminar sus opciones y sus vías posibles de alivio cuando una colisión lo deja herido.

Las acciones de un conductor puede conducir a un accidente de carro, pero esos están lejos de ser los únicos factores que pueden contribuir a una colisión. Otros temas como las inclemencias del tiempo, fallas mecánicas y acciones más allá del control de un conductor también pueden causar que ocurra una colisión. Hoy en día, la policía de Phoenix está tratando de revisar los factores que pueden haber combinado para causar un accidente de fin de semana que dejó a una mujer y su hija herida.

La policía fue notificada del accidente en el área de Phoenix este fin de semana y ellos respondieron a la escena junto con los paramédicos. Los paramédicos evaluaron al conductor, una mujer descrita como de unos 20 años, así como su hija de 4 años de edad, que estaba en el vehículo. Las dos resultaron heridas y las dos fueron trasladadas a hospitales del área para tratamiento adicional donde la naturaleza de sus lesiones y sus condiciones actuales no son claras.

No se sabe por qué esta colisión ocurrió o si otros vehículos estuvieron involucrados, pero la policía ha notado que su investigación continúa abierta y en curso en este tiempo.
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2 Niños en estado grave después de ataque de perro en Glendale

Los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades estiman que casi el doble de personas serán mordidos por un perro en los Estados Unidos este año al igual que aquellos que se lesionaran en un accidente de carro. A pesar del alto riesgo de una lesión por mordedura de perro, muchas personas no se dan cuenta de los riesgos que plantean estos animales o los daños que puedan resultar.

A menudo, una interacción amigable con un perro puede volverse violenta en un instante y puede dejar a una víctima con lesiones relacionadas con la mordedura. Estos pueden necesitar tratamiento médico y, a menudo se cicatrizan; hay riesgos adicionales para la infección y la transmisión de enfermedades cuando un perro es el atacante y puede tomar tiempo antes de que una víctima entienda plenamente sus lesiones. Hablando con un abogado de lesiones personales en Phoenix puede ayudarle a entender sus opciones y sus derechos si una mordedura de perro lo ha afectado a usted o un ser querido. En muchos casos, la compensación financiera puede ser posible.

Las autoridades de Glendale confirmaron un caso de ataque de un perro el martes que involucró a dos niños y dejó a los dos con lesiones graves. En este momento, las autoridades creen que un perro de la familia cerca de los niños se volvió violento y mordió a los dos niños que tienen 8 anos y 13 anos. El ataque fue suficientemente grave para necesitar de remover el niño de 8 años de edad por ambulancia aérea a un hospital del área donde se espera que sobreviva, pero no está claro cuales efectos duraderos pueden resultar. El niño de 13 años de edad, también estaba en necesidad de ayuda médica, pero fue trasladado en ambulancia estándar en lugar de ambulancia aérea.

Los informes indican que el perro en cuestión estaba involucrado con varios incidentes de mordeduras previamente y que ha sido sacrificado como resultado de este incidente más actual. Las autoridades también han declarado que el de 13 años de edad, quien fue atacado no era un miembro de la misma casa que el perro y en cambio, era un vecino. Los dueños del perro podrían haber estado en la propiedad en el momento del incidente.
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2 Peatones Golpeados, 1 Muerto en Accidente de Carro en Scottsdale

¿Cómo se mueve en el Valle durante un día típico? ¿Conduce su propio carro o toma transportación público? ¿Comparte un viaje con amigos o vecinos? Si alguno de estos modos de transporte lo describe a usted, es probable que también camina en algún momento durante su viaje, si usted está caminando en un estacionamiento, a lo largo de una acera o cruzando una calle.

Por esta razón, la seguridad del peatón debe ser una preocupación primaria de todos los que llaman el área de Phoenix casa porque casi todo el mundo es un peatón en algún momento u otro. Sin embargo, con demasiada frecuencia, los derechos de los peatones son ignorados o poco conocidos y una colisión entre un carro y un peatón pasa. Después de un accidente de peatones, las leyes en Arizona están en el lado de la víctima del incidente y pueden dar derecho a cualquier persona perjudicada de reclamar una compensación financiera por sus pérdidas. En el evento trágico de que un peatón muere, el derecho de buscar alivio puede pertenecerle a los familiares sobrevivientes de la víctima, a pesar de que ninguna cantidad de dinero puede ser considerado adecuada en estos casos. Si usted tiene preguntas acerca de cómo una colisión peatonal puede afectarlo a usted, considere la posibilidad de hablar con un abogado de lesiones personales en Phoenix para aprender acerca de sus opciones y sus derechos, y si usted puede tener derecho a la ayuda.

La policía de Scottsdale han confirmado un accidente de peatones devastador que ocurrió el miércoles por la mañana y que se llevó la vida de un peatón y dejó a un segundo herido. El incidente ocurrió cerca de la intersección Loop 101 y Shea Road e involucro a un vehículo y las dos víctimas peatonales. En este momento y basado en los relatos de los testigos, la policía cree que los peatones estaban cruzando la carretera en un cruce peatonal cuando un vehículo trató de girar a la izquierda, no cedo para los peatones, y golpeo a los dos con el carro.

Los equipos de emergencia respondieron y evaluaron a los dos peatones por sus lesiones. Desafortunadamente, un peatón no sobrevivió y murió como resultado de la colisión; el segundo resultó herido, pero sobrevivió y recibió tratamiento en un hospital en el área con lesiones que no han sido revelados. Los nombres, géneros y edades de las víctimas también siguen siendo desconocidos en este momento.

El conductor involucrado permaneció en la escena y hablo con la policía, pero la policía no ha indicado si ese conductor se enfrentara a cargos por sus acciones en esta colisión o si otros factores se creen que contribuyeron al choque en este momento.
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Scottsdale Rollover Car Accident Kills 1

Rollover car accidents are highly publicized in the Phoenix area and they often receive more attention in the media than other forms of collisions. The reasons for this vary but in general, the severity of a rollover crash is high and the risk for injuries significant, garnering the increased attention and highlighting the dangers posed by these accidents. Further, rollover crashes are less common than some other types of accidents like rear-end collisions and therefore their more unique position among vehicular crashes leads to their publicity.

The causes of rollover accidents can be complicated to discern as multiple factors may be involved. In many cases, an initial impact with another vehicle or a fixed object leads a car to roll over but in others, there is no initial contact and the rollover happens for other reasons, including speed, design of a road, or even a blown tire. The cause of the rollover may determine who is legally liable for the damages suffered by a victim but will not determine whether that victim is entitled to relief. The laws in Phoenix guarantee the right to seek a recovery by a victim when that victim is harmed by another’s actions, regardless of who that other person is. If you have questions or if you are looking for answers following a Phoenix rollover car accident, you may get the help you need by speaking with a personal injury attorney.

Early this morning, a one car rollover accident occurred on the southbound Loop 101 near Chaparrel Road in Scottsdale. Emergency crews responded to the scene and evaluated at least one person inside the car that was involved in the crash but unfortunately, that person’s injuries were too severe and that victim died as a result of the crash.

The collision forced authorities to close the southbound Loop 101 to Indian School Road as crews worked to clear the debris and return the highway to its normal condition. The incident happened in the early hours of the morning and all lanes were reopened prior to 5:00 a.m.

No conclusions about the cause of the accident have been released at this time nor has information regarding the victim who lost his or her life but police state that an investigation is ongoing into this matter.
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Rollover Crash in Phoenix Leads to Pedestrian’s Death

Do you understand the risks associated with driving a vehicle or riding in a car as a passenger? Odds are that while you are aware of the potential for a car accident occurring, you may not realize how likely you are to be involved in a crash, believing instead that it will never happen to you. Annually, millions of Americans have that same belief but their thoughts are dashed when they become victims of a collision or when their loved ones are injured or hurt in a crash. Arizona alone sees more than 100,000 car accidents in a typical year and a large number of those incidents are concentrated in Maricopa County, home to Phoenix and its surrounding cities including Scottsdale, Tempe, Glendale, Mesa, and Chandler.

Even less appreciated than the risk of becoming injured in a car accident is the risk faced daily by pedestrians who choose to walk along or near a road, street, or intersection in the Phoenix area. Though the laws of the state may require motorists to yield the right-of-way to these walkers, many do not obey these laws and instead place themselves and pedestrians at risk for a collision. When an impact happens between a car and a person, the pedestrian is almost always injured because of the sheer dynamics that play a role in the impact: the large, heavy size of a car, the small, unprotected nature of a pedestrian, and the speed involved being just a sample of these factors.

A collision that leaves a victim injured will always be devastating and often will create confusion over what legal rights may exist and whether the victim may be able to obtain a financial settlement to compensate her for her losses. If you have questions following a crash, speaking with a personal injury attorney in the Phoenix area may help you understand whether your accident is compensable, and if so, who may be liable for your financial suffering.

A crash in Phoenix on Monday started with a single vehicle but ended with a nearby pedestrian losing his life, according to local police. The incident occurred near Thomas Road and 47th Avenue and began when a driver of a vehicle reportedly lost control of the car which rolled over before striking a pedestrian nearby. The vehicle then continued until it collided with a utility pole carrying power to area residents before coming to a rest.

Witnesses reported that the driver of the vehicle and a passenger in the car both fled on foot from the scene but that both individuals were apprehended after a short time. It is not clear yet what led to the rollover but officials have confirmed that their investigation is ongoing and that they are looking into all possibilities, including whether the driver may have been impaired.
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Phoenix Car Accident Injures Mother and Child

National studies indicate that the typical American will be involved in 3-4 car accidents in his or her lifetime. Those numbers are generalizations but they highlight the threat faced on a daily basis when we choose to drive or ride as a passenger in a car. Of course, some people will be lucky and may experience fewer, if any, crashes while they live but for every one of those individuals, there is another person on the opposite end of the spectrum who may be victimized in far more than 3-4 crashes. The resulting impact of these accidents may be minor or they may be severe; in the most extreme cases, people will lose their lives in a car accident in Phoenix or may be left to suffer permanent, debilitating injuries. When that happens, victims may wonder where to turn for help.

The laws in Arizona and those that apply in the Valley of the Sun enable victims to seek relief through the use of a civil claim for damages. This type of case can help a victim and that victim’s family recover for losses including medical and surgical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. When in doubt, speaking with a personal injury lawyer can help illuminate your options and your possible routes for relief when a collision leaves you hurt.

The actions of a driver can lead to a car accident but those are far from the only factors that may contribute to a collision. Other issues like inclement weather, mechanical failures, and actions beyond the control of a driver can also cause a collision to occur. Today, police in Phoenix are attempting to review the factors that may have combined to cause a weekend crash that left a woman and her daughter injured.

Police were notified of the Phoenix-area crash this weekend and they responded to the scene along with paramedics. The paramedics evaluated the driver, a woman described as in her 20s, as well as her 4-year-old daughter who was in the vehicle. Both were injured and both were taken to area hospitals for additional treatment where the nature of their injuries and their current conditions are not clear.

It is not known why this collision happened or whether any other vehicles were involved but police have noted that their investigation remains open and ongoing at this point in time.
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