Drowsy driving is an issue that does not get as much attention or media spotlight as it deserves. Study after study reveals that drowsy or tired driving can be just as dangerous as driving while drunk, yet millions of Americans continue to drive while overly tired every year. According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation, 60 percent of adult drivers admitted to operating a vehicle while drowsy in 2005 and more than one-third of surveyed motorists admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel. Nearly 40 percent of all drivers say that they have either been involved in a car accident or had a close call for a collision because they were tired while driving.
Those statistics should seem alarming to anyone who calls the Phoenix area home as the Valley of the Sun is far from immune to the threat posed by tired drivers. And it is a difficult issue to address as driving while tired is a personal decision that must be reviewed by each driver individually; communities as a whole can raise awareness, encourage responsible conduct, and warn against the outcome of driving while tired but they cannot make the decision of whether or not to drive for a tired motorist – only the driver herself can do that.
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