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Abels & Annes, P.C. Personal Injury Blog

Common 4th of July Injuries May Affect Phoenix Residents

By now, the excitement of the 4th of July holiday weekend may be starting to wind down as Monday morning arrives and many people head back to work. But if you are like many in the Phoenix area, you participated in some type of celebration this weekend, whether it was a gathering of friends and family or taking part in one of the big city festivals.

Many of the cities in the Valley host community-wide events involving music, food, and fireworks for residents and visitors to enjoy. Fabulous Phoenix 4th, the 29th year of the festival, occurred and had all that plus rides and inflatables for kids to enjoy. Up to 100,000 people were expected to participate in Fabulous Phoenix 4th alone plus thousands of others at formal and informal celebrations in other areas of the state, but with the wet weather this weekend, plans changed for many families in the Valley with fewer people than expected able to participate in some areas.

Most people made it through the weekend injury-free and without incident this year. Unfortunately, though, not everyone did. Injuries are common over any 4th of July weekend in America and Phoenix is no exception in that regard. One of the most serious threats to personal safety over the holiday is the use fireworks.

Firework legality is governed by Maricopa County rules and laws for those interested in using the products in Phoenix. Generally, firecrackers are illegal, including bottle rockets and aerials. Other forms of fireworks are legal and are widely available in road-side tents across the city. Rules also say that fireworks purchased in Maricopa County can be set off in Maricopa County legally as long as they are on private property.

Even if fireworks are purchased legally, though, mistakes or negligence may result in an accident that can lead those involved in the firework display or even those simply watching with injuries. When this happens, the victims of these incidents may be entitled to seek a recovery for their damages against those responsible, including anyone who failed to act in a safe manner when handling fireworks.

But fireworks are not the only common form of injury over July 4th weekend. As alcohol is consumed by many in large quantities, the threat of drunk driving and drunk driving accidents is higher than normal. Those under the influence of alcohol or drugs may cause passengers in their car or drivers and passengers in another car to suffer injuries as a result.

For many, traveling outside of the Valley to a lake in Arizona or a neighboring state provides some welcomed relief from the summer heat. Yet much like drunk drivers, drunk boaters pose a potential hazard to vacationers and their families. When a boater operates under the influence, he or she may face criminal penalties as well as be held legally responsible for the financial impact of any injuries that result from an accident.

If you were injured in an accident over the 4th of July weekend or if your loved one was injured or killed, you may have a valid legal claim that entitles you or your family to relief. Speaking with a lawyer who handles personal injury accidents may help you understand your legal options if you have been hurt.

At Abels & Annes, P.C., we believe that all injury victims deserve to have an advocate on their side, fighting for their rights. We offer a free case consultation to those who call us toll free at (855) PHX-LAWYER or locally at (602) 819-5191 and we have a licensed lawyer standing by 24 hours a day to take your call whenever you need answers.

If you have been hurt due to the mistakes or negligence of another, make sure you get the help you deserve. Call Abels & Annes, P.C. today for a free, no obligation, confidential case consultation.

Prior Blog Entry:

Wrong Way Crash in Phoenix Leaves 2 Injured, Phoenix Injury Lawyer Blog, published June 23, 2014.

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