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Season brings increase of Arizona bus accidents – Phoenix accidents involving vans, taxis and shuttle services

The safety of small tour buses and 15-passenger vans is again being called into question in the wake of last week’s fatal Arizona bus accident. As we reported on our Phoenix Injury Lawyers Blog, 11 passengers were aboard the bus when it rolled over several times on Pierce Ferry Road. Two passengers were killed and several others were taken by helicopter and ambulance to area hospitals with serious injuries. The bus was taking Chinese tourists from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon. It is the third high-profile fatal bus accident in Arizona in the past two years.

FOX News reports three Chinese tourists were killed while riding a small shuttle bus carrying 14 people. A personal injury lawsuit has been filed, claiming the driver had been smoking pot the night before and was sustaining himself with nicotine gum and energy drinks at the time of the crash. Investigators believe fatigue was a major factor and that the driver fell asleep, causing the bus to leave the road and flip over. He faces 10 felony counts, including negligent driving under the influence and logbook and lane-change violations.

Our Phoenix Injury Attorneys note that the government just issued a warning to organizations that rely on 15-passenger vans to transport guests after a pair of fatal crashes in New York and Georgia. As Arizona prepares for winter tourist season, more and more of these vans and shuttle buses will be in use by hotels, nursing homes, resorts, churches and other organizations. Such organizations have an obligation to provide for the safety of passengers and guests.

The government deems the 15-passenger vans so dangerous that it has forbidden schools from purchasing new vans for school transportation purposes. The two recent accidents in New York and Georgia claimed 10 lives.

Tire maintenance is vitally important for van safety — tire blowouts frequently contribute to rollover accidents. And the Arizona Department of Transportation frequently cites tire safety as an issue of particular importance on Arizona’s hot, desolate stretches of highway.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also warns that tires degrade over time — and putting a van into service after a period of inactivity — like many businesses and organizations do at the start of tourist season — can be a particularly dangerous time. Spare tires should not be used to replace worn tires and no tires older than 10 years should be left in service at all.

Safety Tips for 15 passenger vans include:

-Owners need to make sure a transport vehicle is properly maintained.

-Drivers need to be properly trained and licensed.

-15-passenger vans are very sensitive to loading and should not be overloaded. Overloading increases rollover risks and reduces handling.

-Owners need to make sure properly sized tires are being used and are properly inflated and in good repair.

-Drivers should check tires for proper tire inflation before every trip. Tires should also be checked thoroughly for signs of wear.

-Passengers should wear their seat belts.
Continue reading “Season brings increase of Arizona bus accidents – Phoenix accidents involving vans, taxis and shuttle services”

Arizona wrong-way driver causes deadly accident in Mesa

A woman has been killed in a Mesa car crash that was caused by a motorist going the wrong way on the Loop 202, according to This is the second wrong way accident on a Phoenix area highway this past week.

A spokesman from the Mesa Police Department is stating that the crash involved a police chase. Two detectives observed a vehicle pass them going well over 100 mph on US 60 around 11 PM on Wednesday. Police were not initially following the suspect and they do not know why he was traveling at such an excessive rate of speed.

The speeding driver was in a Jeep Grand Cherokee headed eastbound. Police officers tried pursue the Jeep, but then slowed down and called in a police helicopter. Police vehicles reportedly stayed a half mile in back of the suspect to try to avoid unnecessary danger to the public.

The driver of the Jeep blew through traffic lights as it sped through parts of Mesa. Officers tried to stop the vehicle at the intersection of Power and Brown Roads by blocking the intersection with police cars, however the driver got around them by driving through landscaping.

The police also tried using stop sticks at Hermosa Vista Drive and Gilbert Road, but the speeder was able to avoid capture again and got onto the Loop 202 heading east in the westbound lanes.

The Jeep then struck a car head-on, killing its 36-year-old female driver. The driver of the Jeep is facing manslaughter charges, and additional charges are expected to be filed.

Phoenix auto accident lawyers at our office reported just a few days ago that a teenage driver on the Loop 101 caused an accident by driving the wrong way. Three people were injured and hospitalized in that accident.

Abogados de accidente de auto en Phoenix representan a un hombre que fue herido en un choque en Arizona

Abogados de accidente de carro de Abels & Annes en Phoenix estan listos para representar a un residente local que resultó herido la semana pasada en un accidente de auto en Scottsdale. El choque ocurrió el 20 de octubre de 2010 en los carriles con rumbo al sur de Scottsdale justo al norte de Quinta Avenida. El demandante y su hija de 10 años de edad fueron detenidos en el tráfico cuando otro conductor en un coche de alquiler choco su vehículo en el trasero.

El Departamento de Policía de Scottsdale respondieron al accidente. Después de una investigación ellos le dieron una multa al demandante.

Después del choque nuestro cliente empezó a sufrir de dolores de cabeza, mareos, dolor de cuello superior y dolor de espalda superior, dolor lumbar y dolor en la cadera izquierda y rodilla izquierda. Debido a sus heridas, el demandante fue a ver su médico de familia poco después del accidente.

Sobre los próximos varios días su dolor llegó a ser más intenso. El ahora esta tratando con un médico ortopédico.

El niño en el carro ha sido visto por su pediatra.

Si usted ha sido herido en un accidente de tránsito en Arizona, contacte a los abogados de accidente en Phoenix de Abels & Annes para una consulta gratis. Llame al 602-819-5191.

Phoenix motorcycle crash kills rider

An Arizona motorcyclist has died in an accident that occurred in the North Valley on Tuesday, according to ABC news. The Phoenix bike crash took place at Union Hills Drive and 28th St. in the late afternoon, which is a stop light intersection in a residential area.

It is being reported that the accident occurred when a female driver of a car made a left turn into the path of the motorcycle. The woman later told police she did not see the motorcyclist approaching.

When the vehicles collided the gas tank on the motorcycle punctured and burst into flames, burning both the bike and the car. The Arizona Republic is reporting that the motorcyclist was thrown around 30 feet and sustained severe chest injuries.

The motorcycle rider, age 26, was rushed by ambulance to John C. Lincoln Hospital in critical condition and died a short time later. The driver of the car only suffered minor injuries.

The Phoenix Police Department is handling the motorcycle crash investigation. They do not believe the left turning driver was impaired. The intersection had to be closed for several hours.

It has not been reported if a Phoenix personal injury lawyer is involved in the case yet. There will most likely be a civil claim pursued in this matter, as drivers in the state of Arizona have a duty to yield to oncoming traffic when making a left turn.

Phoenix auto accident caused by wrong-way driver on the Loop 101

An Arizona car crash has resulted in three people sustaining serious injuries, according to The accident involved three vehicles in the West Valley on Sunday night.

The collision occurred when the teenage driver of a Volkswagen headed eastbound on the Loop 101 in the area of 67th Avenue lost control of his vehicle, crossed the center median and drove into oncoming traffic. The Volkswagen collided with a black SUV being driven by a man in his 60s. The Volkswagen’s spare tire then flew off and hit a silver Volvo that was moving eastbound.

DPS handled the traffic crash investigation.

The three people injured in the accident were all hospitalized. The exact nature of their injuries has not been reported.

The Phoenix accident shut down the expressway for several hours.

Phoenix auto accident attorneys representing Arizona man injured in crash

Phoenix car crash lawyers from Abels & Annes are set to represent a local resident that was injured last week in a Scottsdale auto accident. The collision occurred on October 20, 2010 in the southbound lanes of Scottsdale Road just North of Fifth Avenue. The plaintiff and his 10-year-old daughter were stopped in traffic when another driver in a rental car rear-ended their vehicle.

The Scottsdale Police Department responded to the accident. After an investigation they issued the defendant traffic ticket.

After the collision our client started suffering from headaches, dizziness, upper neck and upper back pain, low back pain and pain in his left hip and left knee. Due to his injuries, the plaintiff went to see his family physician shortly after the accident.

Over the next several days his pain became more intense. He is now seeking treatment with an orthopedic physician.

The child the car has been seen by her pediatrician.

If you’ve been injured in an Arizona traffic accident, contact the Phoenix injury lawyers at Abels & Annes for free consultation. Call 602-819-5191.

Arizona injury lawyer to represent man hurt in Phoenix area auto accident

Phoenix car accident lawyers at Abels & Annes have signed on to represent a local resident that was injured in a Peoria, Arizona rear-end crash. The collision took place at 9100 W. Peoria Ave. on October 18, 2010 around 7:15 PM.

The plaintiff was stopped in traffic just east of the intersection of 91st Ave. and Peoria Avenue. At that time the driver of a 2004 Mitsubishi rear-ended our client’s vehicle with great force.

Shortly after the accident the plaintiff developed severe back pain, headaches, shoulder pain, numbness, and a burning sensation on the back of his head. He was seen at the Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center emergency room. There he was examined by physicians and x-rays were taken of his neck and back.

Over the next couple days his pain only got worse. He is currently planning on following up with an orthopedic physician in the Phoenix area.

The crash investigation was handled by the Peoria Police Department.

If you’ve been injured in an Arizona auto accident, contact a Phoenix personal injury lawyer at Abels & Annes for a free case evaluation. Call 602-819-9151 speak directly to a lawyer.

Safety authorities to combat aggressive driving in effort to reduce Phoenix car accidents, Arizona trucking accidents

The Arizona Department of Public Safety is participating in Operation Safe Driver this week (Oct. 17 to 23) by focusing on aggressive driving by both commercial drivers and the drivers of passenger vehicles.

Many Phoenix car accidents and trucking accidents in Arizona are caused by some form of aggressive driving, including speeding.As we reported recently on our Phoenix Injury Lawyer Blog, 806 motorists were killed and more than 50,000 injured in Arizona traffic accidents last year. Arizona trucking accidents killed 99 motorists in 2008.

Aggressive driving is a significant threat to motorists on the road. While many drivers associate aggressive driving with road rage, they are not the same thing. Road rage is a criminal offense, aggressive driving is a much broader category of driving behaviors that includes speeding, failure to pay attention while driving, tailgating, making frequent lane changes, running read lights, inappropriate passing, cutting drivers off in traffic and not using your turn signals.

Those who are prone to driving aggressively should slow down, plan ahead and allow extra time to reach their destination, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

When confronted by an aggressive driver, a motorist should move out of the way, avoid eye contact and should not respond to gestures. Dangerous drivers should also be reported to police.

Arizona safety officials hope to combat the dangers of aggressive driving and other poor driving decisions on a number of fronts. The Department of Public Safety’s objectives this week include:

-Increased traffic and safety belt enforcement.

-More roadside inspections of commercial vehicles.

-Increase education among drivers, especially teen drivers, of the dangers of driving around large trucks and buses.

-Promote awareness of the dangers of distracted driving.

-Implement education and awareness programs for commercial drivers.
Continue reading “Safety authorities to combat aggressive driving in effort to reduce Phoenix car accidents, Arizona trucking accidents”

Motorist in deadly Arizona car versus bicycle accident admits to driving too fast

The Arizona Republic is reporting that a driver that was involved in a deadly bicycle accident in Tempe Arizona has pleaded guilty in court to failing to drive at a speed to exercise reasonable care for others.

The accident happened back on May 17, 2010 when a 36-year-old Tempe bicycle rider was headed home from work when he was hit by a car at the intersection of Alameda Drive and McClintock Drive. The Arizona bicycle rider died later the same evening.

The driver claimed in the police report that as he went through the intersection he had a green light, however a witness at the scene (who was also riding a bicycle) stated that the bike rider had the green light.

The victim’s family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the at fault driver. The newspaper report did not name the Phoenix bicycle accident attorney that is working on the case.

More than half of all Arizona drunk driving accidents involve car accidents in Phoenix

A total of 29,282 Phoenix car accidents claimed 142 lives and injured 9,714 in 2009, according to statistics being released by the Arizona Department of Transportation.

Maricopa County car accidents accounted for $1.4 billion in losses, or more than half of the $2.7 billion traffic accidents cost Arizona statewide in 2009. More than half of all Arizona drunk driving accidents also occurred in Maricopa County, accounting for 3,601 of the state’s 5,854 traffic crashes.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently reported the fewest traffic accidents since 1950. A total of 33,808 motorists were killed on the nation’s roads in 2009, compared to the 37,423 deaths reported in 2008.
Arizona car accidents by county: Maricopa: 68,653 accidents/280 fatalities/21,410 injuries Pima: 15,669 accidents/83 fatalities/5,292 injuries Coconino: 3,768 accidents/39 fatalities/903 injuries Pinal: 3,541 accidents/62 fatalities/1,079 injuries Yavapai: 3,313 accidents/42 fatalities/1,003 injuries Yuma: 2,825 accidents/24 fatalities/968 injuries Mohave: 2,940 accidents/34 fatalities/974 injuries Cochise: 1,876 accidents/30 fatalities/486 injuries Navajo: 1,241 accidents/38 fatalities/360 injuries Gila: 984 accidents/17fatalities/303 injuries Apache: 591 accidents/29 fatalities/203 injuries Santa Cruz: 591 accidents/6 fatalities/149 injuries La Paz: 421 accidents/15 fatalities/131 injuries Graham: 287 accidents/8 fatalities/ 94 injuries Greenlee: 67 accidents/2 fatalities/25 injuries
Arizona pickup truck accidents accounted for nearly 20 percent of all Arizona accidents.

Crashes by vehicle type
Cars: 98,888 Pickup Trucks: 38,674 Station Wagons: 35,990 Tractor-Trailer Accidents: 2,457 Concrete Mixers: 31 Dump Truck Accidents: 164 Garbage Truck Accidents: 121 Tanker Truck Accidents: 42 Tow Truck Accidents: 143 School Bus Accidents: 238 Commercial Bus Accidents: 1,086 Motorcycle Accidents: 3,029 ATV Accidents: 169
Moped Accidents: 21 RV Accidents: 153

Top 5 Most Common Causes of Accidents (non-alcohol):
Speed too fast for conditions: 33,845 Failure to Yield Right of Way: 18,531 Inattention/Distraction: 11,117 Following too Closely: 5,502 Unsafe Lane Change: 5,557 Continue reading “More than half of all Arizona drunk driving accidents involve car accidents in Phoenix”