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Teen Car Accidents in Arizona Up Despite National Decrease

There were more teen drivers who were killed in Arizona car accidents in the first half of 2011 in comparison to the same time frame in 2010. Arizona was one of the 23 states that saw an increase in teen driver deaths during this time, according to a recently released report from the Governor Highway Safety Association (GHSA).The recent report from the GHSA looked at the number of 16- to 17-year-old drivers who died in car accidents during the first six months of 2011 and compared those stats to the figures from the same time in 2010. During the study, there was an increase of 7 percent in the number of 17-year-old drivers who were killed and a 16 percent increase in the number of 16-year-old drivers who were killed. These statistics formed an overall increase of 11 percent. The report was headed by Dr. Allan Williams, the former chief scientist for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).

Our Arizona teen car accident attorneys understand that news of the increase in teen driver deaths was released as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released a report stating that the number if overall roadway fatalities had decreased by nearly one percent during the same time. In the GHSA’s report, there were 23 states that reported increases, 19 that reported decreases and 8 that stayed the exact same. North Carolina, Texas and Florida were a few of the states that reported the most significant increases during this time.

Williams says that the significant increases in teen driver deaths across the country can be attributed to the specific laws of each state’s Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) program and the fact that they’re quickly losing steam. A lot of these laws have been in place for quite some time now and aren’t getting the enforcement efforts they once did. A second reason for the increase, according to Williams, is that the improving economy is calling more teens to our roadways. With teens spending more time on our roadways, their risks for an accident are increasing quickly.

“While it is not a surprise that these numbers are stabilizing or slightly increasing, states should not accept these deaths as something that cannot be prevented,” says Dr. Williams.

The chairman of GHSA, Troy E. Costales, says that GDL programs need to be revamped. He says that the laws need to be strengthened and enforced more. This is one good way to help keep an eye on our teen’s safety at the wheel. He also urged parents to get involved. In numerous studies, it’s been proven that positive parental involvement can help shape responsible driving habits for young drivers. Car accidents continue to be the leading killer for teens in the country. With better oversight and education efforts, we can help to equip these young drivers with the skills they need to stay safe on our roadways.
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Fewer Rules Put Teenagers at Higher Risks for Car Accidents in Arizona, Nation

Teenage drivers may think that they know everything behind the wheel. What they aren’t typically aware of is the impact teenage passengers have on their roadway safety. A recent study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health concluded teens are at higher risks for car accidents in Phoenix and elsewhere when other teen passengers are present in the vehicle.The study concluded that young male and female drivers were affected by passengers differently. While female drivers had passengers present in the car, they were more likely to play with their makeup, look at the other passenger, send and receive text messages and make phone calls. Boy teen drivers were more likely to break driving laws, including speeding and improperly turning, when other teenage passengers were present. What stayed about the same between the two was their risk for an accident. In nearly 700 cases analyzed, female drivers were distracted prior to 20 percent of the accidents in which they were involved, while male drivers were distracted about 25 percent of the time.

Phoenix car accident attorneys are aware that teenage drivers are more likely to get into a car accident than any other age group of drivers. Studies found ways we can help to reduce those risks for our teens. Comprehensive graduated driver’s licensing (GDL) programs along with thorough parental involvement can help reduce risks. GDL programs allow teenagers to master difficult driving skills through a number of restrictive levels. In some of the strictest GDL programs, teenage passengers are limited in these levels. Parental involvement helps, too. When parents know where their teen drivers are and are informed about their driving habits, teens are less likely to act out behind the wheel.

“Distraction from peer passengers appears to play a prominent role for both male and female drivers,” said Allison E. Curry, Ph.D., MPH, lead author on this study. “One in five females and one in four males who were driving with friends were distracted by something inside the vehicle just before they crashed.”

Researchers from the Center for Injury Research and Prevention with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia conducted the studies that drew these conclusions.

In that first study, researchers picked apart accident reports from more than 675 teenage drivers. In these reports, it was clear that both male and female teenage drivers are dangerously affected by distractions.

In another study, the same researchers looked into how children reacted when parents were involved in their business behind the wheel. When researchers looked at more than 195 teenage drivers, they found that parent involvement leads to safer drivers. Teenagers who had parents who were actively involved in their driving habits typically perceived the risk as higher and were less likely to seek driving “sensations.” States that had GDL programs that limited the number of teenage passengers that a young driver could drive also saw lower accident rates among teen drivers.

Parents are urged to take the GDL program into their own hands. No, we don’t mean toss out all the rules, but embrace the current laws and add ones that you feel will contribute to your child’s safety. Make sure to enforce these laws and to actively punish for breaking these rules. Holding your teen driver to strict driving rules will not only help them to be responsible, but it will help to keep them safe on our roadways.
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Phoenix injury lawyer settles car accident claim for $23,000

Arizona auto accident attorneys at Abels & Annes recently resolved the case for a Peoria resident. Our office pursued both the negligence claim against the at fault driver and an Arizona underinsured motorist claim against the plaintiff’s own auto insurance policy.

The collision took place on October 18, 2010, at approximately 7:17 p.m. The plaintiff was injured when the vehicle he was driving was rear-ended by another vehicle.

Our client was driving westbound on Peoria Avenue in Peoria, Arizona. The defendant was also driving her vehicle westbound on Peoria Avenue, directly behind the plaintiff. The client stopped for a red light at the intersection of Peoria Avenue and 91st Avenue in Peoria, Arizona. There were several vehicles stopped in front of him at the intersection. The defendant then failed to stop and/or reduce the speed of her vehicle she was driving, and struck the plaintiff’s vehicle in the rear.

The Peoria Police Department responded to the accident scene. After speaking to both parties, the investigating officers placed the defendant at fault for the collision. In the police report, she admitted that she did not see the light was red until it was too late and that she tried to stop her vehicle but it was too late. Furthermore, the investigating officers noted in the police report that the defendant was driving too fast for conditions and was not paying attention.

We alleged the defendant’s insurance carrier that she failed to keep a proper lookout, failed to yield for traffic, failed to stop and/or reduce her speed to avoid a collision, was driving at an excessive rate of speed, and failed to exercise due care for the safety of those in the area, including the plaintiff.

Following the collision, our client had an immediate onset of back pain, neck pain and headaches.

That same day, he was seen at Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center‘s Emergency Department. There, he complained of back pain, neck pain and headaches. A history was taken, he was examined and diagnostic tests were performed, including a cervical spine x-ray. A physical exam revealed tenderness of the lumbar spine and thoracic spine, as well as limited range of motion due to pain. An x-ray of his cervical spine found straightening of the cervical lordosis, intervertebral disc space narrowing at C5-6 and C6-7, cervical spondylosis, and unco-vertebral and facet joint hypertrophic changes in the mid cervical spine. He was initially diagnosed with a back sprain, neck pain, and headaches. He was instructed to follow up with his primary care physician and discharged.

Due to ongoing and increasing pain, The client sought follow up medical care at Phoenix Orthopaedic Consultants on October 26, 2010. He complained of mid back pain, lower back pain causing radiating pain down his right leg to his foot with associated tingling and numbness, neck pain, headaches with associated tingling on his face, and right upper extremity weakness. A history was taken and he was examined. A physical exam revealed tenderness of the mid-line and paravertebral thoracic spine with severe paraspinal muscle spasms, right lower lumbosacral junction tenderness with severe paraspinal muscle spasms, increased pain with flexion, hypoesthesia of the right lower extremities and right upper extremities, tenderness to the mid-line of the cervical spine with severe paraspinal muscle spasms, decreased range of motion, and positive Tinel’s sign at the right wrist. His physician diagnosed him with back pain, right lower extremity radiculopathy, neck pain, right upper extremity radiculopathy, thoracic pain, and headaches. He was instructed to go for MRIs of his lumbar spine, cervical spine, and thoracic spine.

Per is physician’s referral, on November 2, 2010, the plaintiff was seen at Valley Radiologists for diagnostic testing, including MRIs of his cervical spine, thoracic spine, and lumbar spine. The MRI of his cervical spine found small degenerative disc bulges in his spine.

Based on the MRI findings, our client sought follow up treatment with his doctor on November 12, 2010. At that time, he complained of neck pain, mid back pain, lower back pain, and headaches. The physician reviewed the MRIs of his lumbar spine, cervical spine, and thoracic spine. Based on the his review of the MRI results, he prescribed pain medication and instructed him to begin physical therapy.

On December 21, 2010, the client returned for follow up treatment. A physical exam was performed, which revealed paravertebral spasms throughout the cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine and decreased range of motion due to pain. The physician prescribed pain medication and instructed him to continue physical therapy.

On February 18, 2011, the plaintiff returned for follow up treatment. There, he complained of continued back pain. A physical exam was performed, which revealed paravertebral tenderness in the thoracolumbar spine with muscle spasms and decreased range of motion.

Our client started a course of physical therapy at Physiotherapy Associates on November 18, 2010. His treatment consisted of therapeutic exercises, therapeutic activities, neuromuscular rehabilitation, manual therapy, mobilization, and spinal mobilization. He attended twelve (12) sessions of physical therapy at Physiotherapy Associates, which ended on February 22, 2011.

The at fault driver in the accident only carried auto insurance in the amount of $15,000, the Arizona required minimum. After our office collected that amount, we pursuing an underinsured motorist claim against the plaintiff’s own auto insurance policy and collected an additional $8,000, bringing the plaintiff’s total up to $23,000.
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When Elderly Drivers Should Give Up Driving to Reduce Risks of Car Accidents in Phoenix

The University of Colorado Denver recently released a study that concluded that most elderly residents agreed that the driving abilities of seniors should be retested periodically. These retests would be to help reduce the risks of car accidents in Phoenix and elsewhere. Most everyone who was surveyed said that they would willingly hand over their car keys if either a doctor or a loved one said that they were not longer to safely drive.”This is where the advance driving directive could come in,” said Emmy Betz, of the University of Colorado. “We would have something in writing that says when the time comes who do you trust to make the decision that you can no longer safely drive?”

Our Phoenix car accident attorneys know the risks that seniors face behind the wheel. With age, unfortunately our senses and abilities deteriorate. It’s important for friends and family members to keep an eye on the senses and abilities of our elderly ones to make sure they’re not at any risks on our roadways. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there nearly 6,000 older adults who were killed in traffic accidents in 2008. In addition, there were nearly 200,000 who were injured. With the proper interventions from friends and family members and potential license retesting, we can help to significantly reduce the risks of car accidents on roadways everywhere.

In the latest study released by the University, researchers surveyed more than 120 elderly individuals.

The results revealed:

-More than 70 percent of elderly drivers say they’re in favor of mandatory driver’s license retesting based on a driver’s age.

-About 68 percent said they thought it was Ok for a member of their family to decide when their driver’s license should be taken away.

-Roughly 53 percent said they thought it was Ok for a doctor to decide when their driver’s license should be taken away.

-Nearly 30 percent said that they thought it was Ok for the DMV to determine when their driver’s license should be taken away.

Many things can go wrong when you’re an elderly driver. The senses fade with age. Sight, hearing, reactions, flexibility, etc. deteriorate as you grow older. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. There are also varying outside factors that contribute to the dangers that elderly drivers face. Many elderly drivers are on medications that hinder their ability to operate a motor vehicle. As a matter of fact, the study concluded that the average number of medications taken by one elderly driver was seven.

All factors of aging are a part of life and are in fact unavoidable. But car accidents in Phoenix are avoidable. Families are urged to keep an eye on their elderly loved ones to help ensure they’re not putting themselves and others at risks for a potentially fatal accident. Your care and concern could help to save lives on our roadways.
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New Website Helping Parents to Protect Children in Car Accidents in Phoenix, Nation

A new website, “Car Seat Safety for Kids,” recently went live and replaced the “Keeping Kids Safe During Crashes” site. This website is hosted by the Kohl’s Injury Prevention Program and the Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CIRP) and helps parents to reduce the risks of injury to children in Phoenix and elsewhere. This website serves as a one-stop shop for information regarding child passenger safety (CPS). Through this website, new videos are offered to help parents stay up-to-date with the latest child car seat recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).”This site brings together research expertise and practical experience,” says Suzanne Hill, director of Advocacy and Outreach at CIRP.

Our Phoenix car accident lawyers understand that this website is a beneficial tool in helping current parents and expectant parents prepare and better protect child passengers. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for children age 3- to 14-years-old. Statistics reveal that nearly 9,000 lives were saved because of child restraints from 1975 to 2008. As we stated before, there were nearly 37,500 people killed in traffic accidents in the U.S. in 2008. Of these fatalities, children under the age of 14 accounted for nearly 5 percent. It’s it our responsibility as safe drivers, parents and guardians to ensure that our young passengers are properly buckled up during every car ride.

In 2008 in Arizona, there were nearly 35 children under the age of 14 who were killed in car crashes.

For every child who dies in a motor-vehicle accident, another 400 children are treated for injuries. Using the proper safety seat can help to reduce these alarming risks.

Car Seat Recommendations from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):

-Children under the age of 1: These young passengers should always ride in a rear-facing car seat.

-Children ages 1- to 3-years-old: Children should remain in a rear-racing car seat for as long as possible. When they reach the rear-facing seat’s height and weight requirement, it’s time to graduate them to a front-facing car seat with a harness.

-Children ages 4- to 7- years-old: These children should ride in a forward-facing car seat for as long as they can (until they reach the seat’s height and weight requirements). When they exceed the seat’s requirements, it’s time to put them in a booster seat.

-Children ages 8- to 12-years-old: These children should remain in a booster seat for as long as possible. When they outgrow their booster seat, it’s time to let them ride like a grownup. When placing them in an adult seat with a seat belt, make sure that the seat belt lies snugly across their upper thighs and that the shoulder portion lies snug across the shoulder and chest area, not the neck.

It’s important to keep children in the back seat for as long as possible. Children are safer in the back seat away from the air bag. Their little bodies can’t sustain impact from the airbags like adult bodies can.

Parents are urged to visit the new “Car Seat Safety for Kids” website and to stay well-informed of the latest child seat safety news and technology. Education is the best way to help reduce the risks of injury in the event of an accident for your young riders.
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Drivers Ignoring Roadway Dangers, Increasing Risks of Car Accidents in Phoenix, Nation

According to a recent study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Americans desire safer roadways and they support government actions to get it. Still, a majority of drivers continue to engage in dangerous driving behavior and increase risks for car accidents in Phoenix and elsewhere.The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that there were nearly 32,900 people who were killed in car accidents nationwide in 2010. Although this is the lowest number of traffic fatalities recorded in the last 60 years, the number is still alarmingly high.

Our Phoenix car accident lawyers understand that car accidents are still the number one cause of death among residents 4- to 34-years-old. Although drivers recognize the need for safer driving habits, many of them are not willing to make the change themselves. That’s why we’re asking for everyone to join forces and to raise awareness about roadway safety. Safer roadways start with you and by exercising safe driving habits, we can all work together to make 2012 the safest year ever!

“Take the first step and make a personal goal to be a safe driver in 2012,” said AAA’s Predicent a CEO, Peter Kissinger.

Someone dies in a car accident every 16 minutes in the U.S. Until this number reaches zero, we as Americans and as responsible drivers have much work to do.

According to the AAA Study:

-More than 85 percent of drivers said that it was completely irresponsible to drive without buckling up, but about a quarter of drivers said that they don’t wear a seat belt while driving.

-A majority of drivers said that is was unacceptably dangerous to drive more than 10 mph over the posted speed limit in neighborhoods, yet plenty admitted doing it.

-Approximately 95 percent of drivers reported that they believe that drinking and driving endangers everyone on the roadways. Even with near unanimous opposition, about 15 percent admitted to doing it at least once in the last 30 days.

-Almost all of the surveyed drivers stated that they thought it was irresponsible, dangerous and unacceptable for a driver to run through a red light, but more than 35 percent said that they’ve done it at least once in the last month.

-A majority of drivers stated that talking on a cell phone behind the wheel is a dangerous habit, but about one in every three drivers said that they do it regularly.

-Nearly all surveyed drivers said that texting while driving is a big no-no, but a third said that they take part in the behavior often.

Researchers see this “do as I say, not as I do” attitude increases the risks– drivers feel that everyone should do what is safe and what is right behind the wheel, but feel that they shouldn’t be held to these same standards. Drivers throughout the state of Arizona and throughout the country are asked to put their best foot forward in making our roadways safer in 2012. Make safe driving habits a top priority this year and for years to come!
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Drivers Distractions Increasing Risks of Car Accidents in Arizona

It’s been proven in a number of studies, engaging in distractions while driving, biking and walking increases the risks for an accident in Arizona, according to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). Distractions can come in a number of forms, including talking on a cell phone, text messaging, catering to children, drinking, eating and applying makeup. The bottom line is that distractions are dangerous and drivers should be concentrating on the road while operating a motor vehicle.Everyone also knows about the dangers of driving while intoxicated, but many underestimate the dangers of driving while drowsy. Some common prescription drugs and even over-the-counter drugs can cause drowsiness. Drivers that take these drugs are more likely to have slower reaction times behind the wheel.

Our Phoenix car accident lawyers understand that the distractions don’t end there. Pets can also cause drivers to take their attention off of the roadway. Paper maps, GPS devices and hand-held electronic devices are dangerous to use while driving, too. We’re not solely pointing the finger at drivers either. Pedestrians can also be distracted while walking along our roadways while listening to headphones, talking with other fellow pedestrians and playing with electronic devices. Engaging in any of these distractions can greatly increase someone’s risk for a potentially fatal accident.

According to recent studies, a driver who is distracted by the use of a cell phone is nearly five times more likely to get into an accident. Some studies even conclude that distracted drivers have the same reaction time as drivers who are legally drunk.

Ordinances regarding these behaviors vary between the state’s jurisdictions. Motorists need to be careful of what the rules are in different areas. More municipal agencies offer this type of information on their website. The penalties for being busted for engaging in prohibited distractions are relatively minor, but the risks and consequences for an accident resulting from this behavior are not.

In Arizona, only school bus drivers are prohibited from using a cell phone behind the wheel. All other drivers are free to talk on the phone and text message behind the wheel, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association.

Distraction-Related Safety Tips from the U.S. Department of Transportation:

-Turn off the cell phone before getting into the vehicle.

-Talk with friends and family members about the importance of keeping your eyes on the road.

-Pull over into a safe area before making or answering a phone call.

-Ask passengers to make and answer phone calls for you if need be.

-Don’t text and drive. It not only takes your mind away from driving, it also takes your eyes off the road and your hands from the wheel.

-Know the distraction-related laws in the areas you are driving in.

-Know where you’re going before you venture out to reduce the need for road maps and GPS devices while driving.

-Make sure that all children and pets are properly restrained before starting the vehicle.
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ADOT Warns Motorists of Winter Weather and Risks for Car Accidents in Arizona

It’s 2012 and it’s time for a fresh start. Our Phoenix car accident attorneys and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) are asking motorists to make one of their New Year’s resolutions to be a safer driver. Drivers are urged to be cautious when driving through the state’s areas with the frigid winter weather. Ice and snow can greatly increase your chances for a serious accident if you’re not careful!Driving in snow and icy can be difficult even for the most seasoned of drivers. It’s always a good idea to review safe driving tips before heading out on snowy and icy roadways. Drivers are urged to check the DOTs Interactive Road Map before venturing out.

This map illustrates road delays, traffic patterns, weather conditions and more. You can also get this information by calling 511 or 1–888–411–ROAD. The better prepared you are, the less likely you are to get into a serious car accident in Arizona.

Winter Driving Safety Tips:

-Always keep your vehicle’s gas tank topped off. This means that you never want to let your fuel get too low. You want to be able to keep yourself warm for a substantial amount of time if you get stuck.

-Remember that 4-wheel drive doesn’t mean that you can stop quicker. It only means that you can accelerate more quickly.

-Never drive too close to the vehicle in front of you when the roads are snowy or icy. These conditions make the road slick and more difficult for you to stop your vehicle.

-Abide by the speed limit. You always want to adjust your driving habits to the weather conditions, which could mean slowing down even more.

-Leave with plenty of time. Allow yourself extra time to get where you need to go to avoid rushing.

-Make sure to carry emergency items with you, including a first-aid kit, some nonperishable foods, some bottled water and some blankets.

-If you get stuck, stay inside your vehicle. It’s safer inside the vehicle than on the side of the road. You can also shield yourself from the cold weather inside the vehicle, too.

-Stay away from snow plows. Allow these vehicles with plenty of room.

-Leave with a plan. Know where you’re going and how to get there before leaving the house. This will help to eliminate distractions such as road maps and GPS devices. If you get lost, ask a passenger to help you.

-If you don’t feel comfortable driving in the current weather conditions, pull over and wait for it to clear up.

-Never drink and drive.

-Always wear a seat belt.

We would also like to remind to you to perform a routine checkup on your vehicle before setting out in the winter weather. Make sure that your defroster and windshield wipers are working properly. Make sure that all fluids are fresh and full and that your car’s battery is working properly. Venturing out with a plan can help you to stay safe on the snowy roads of Arizona.
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Distractions: A Top Cause for Car Accidents in Phoenix through Holidays

We’ve recently been talking about the dangers that drivers face on our roadways through the holiday travel season. We’ve even touched on the dangers of driving while distracted. But add these factors together and you’ve got a recipe for a serious car accident in Phoenix. According to Hands-Free Info, there was no statewide law enacted in Arizona until 2011. Laws for 2012 don’t look promising either. The top leaders at the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety say they won’t be backing text messaging bans for drivers because these types of laws will be difficult to enforce.”How can you prove, from outside of a vehicle, if a person is text messaging or dialing a phone number?,” asks highway safety director Alberto Gutier.

Our Phoenix car accident attorneys understand that Gutier also recently dismissed a proposal for a hand-held cell phone law. Only school bus drivers are prohibited from talking on a cell phone behind the wheel in Arizona. Phoenix has a separate law stating that no drivers are allowed to text message at the wheel. Arizona is one of the few states left that has yet to enact a statewide ban on these dangerous driving behaviors.

With the road traffic increasing through the remainder of the year, drivers are asked to willingly give up the distractions at the wheel. Only safe and alert driving habits can help to keep our roads injury and fatality free during the holidays.

Tips to Help Curb Distractions at the Wheel, from the Governors Highway Safety Association:

-If you have to answer or make a call on your cell phone while you’re driving, pull over and stop in a safe spot before doing so.

-If the phone call or text message can’t wait, ask a passenger to help you out.

-Set up your voice mail to tell callers that you may not be answering because you’re driving and that you’ll call them back once you’ve stopped safely.

-Don’t text, especially in Phoenix where it’s illegal.

-Check our road maps and GPS devices before you start going. If you get lost along the way, ask a passenger to help you out with the directions.

-Make sure all children and pets are properly restrained in the vehicle.

-If you have to address a problem with your child or your pet, pull over safely and come to a complete stop before doing so.

-Your best bet is to turn off all of your electronic devices before starting your car.

Drivers need to keep their full and undivided attention on the task at hand, which is to safely navigate our roadways. By practicing responsible driving habits, we can all do our part to achieve safer roadways through the holiday season. Have a safe and happy holiday, and please drive safely.
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Holiday Season Typically Brings Hundreds of Fatal Car Accidents in Phoenix and Elsewhere

Thousands of residents and visitors will be traveling through Phoenix for the Christmas and New Year holidays. With this significant increase in road traffic, motorists are faced with significant increases in their risks for a car accident in Phoenix and elsewhere. For this reason, the Arizona Highway Patrol Association offers drivers a few safe driving tips to help prevent a fatal car accident during the holidays. Every year, these holiday periods produce some of the highest fatality rates on roadways across the United States. With cautious and alert driving habits, we can help to reduce the risks altogether.Before we discuss how to avoid an accident, our Phoenix car accident lawyers would like to discuss the risks we’ll be faced with over the holiday travel season. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), the Christmas and New Year’s holidays are some of the most deadliest times on our roadways. According to a recent release, the NSC has concluded its predictions regarding the number of fatalities and injured that we’ll see on our roadways during this holiday time.

Christmas Holiday Fatality Estimates:

-The Christmas holiday is considered the time from 6 p.m. on December 23rd through the late evening of Monday, December 26th.

-287 fatalities are predicted to occur during this time.

-Another 28,700 injuries in which professional medical assistance is required are predicted to occur.

-Seat belts may save approximately 102 people.

-If all motorists were to wear a seat belt during this holiday period, then another 73 people could be saved in car accidents.

New Year’s Holiday Fatality Estimates:

-The New Year’s holiday is considered the time from 6 p.m. on the evening of December 30th through the late evening of January 2nd.

-297 fatalities are predicted to occur during this time.

-Another 29,700 injuries in which professional medical assistance is required are predicted to occur.

-Seat belts may save approximately 106 people.

-If all motorists were to wear a seat belt during this holiday period, then another 76 people could be saved in car accidents.

Safe Driving Tips from the Arizona Highway Patrol Association:

-Never drive after drinking. Always have a designated driver. Don’t let your friends drink and drive either. Intervene. Your consideration may help to save a life.

-Make sure that everyone in your vehicle is wearing a seat belt at all times. Seat belts have been proven effective in saving lives.

-Obey all road laws. They’re there to keep you safe.

-Drive slower in bad weather. It’s important to adjust your driving habits to accommodate weather conditions.

-Curb all distractions while driving.

-Go out with a plan. Be aware of road closures, etc., before heading out.

-Leave with plenty of time to avoid rushing and aggressive driving.

-Avoid traveling during rush hours to avoid congested and dangerous roadways.
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